Salty snacks

Portrait of salty snacks available in Quebec (2019-2020)

627 salty snacks were listed for this study

392 mg

of sodium in extruded type salty snacks

285 mg

of sodium in chips


The results of this study on salty snacks show significant variability in terms of nutritional composition depending on the type of product. More specifically, it would be possible to reformulate extruded type salty snacks in order to reduce their lipid and sodium contents as well as bretzels in order to reduce their sodium content. Considering their large sales volume, chips would benefit from a reduction in their fat and sodium content. On the other hand, pop, plain, baked or corn-based salty snack foods are good indicators of a better nutritional composition. These elements could easily be communicated to consumers in order to guide them towards healthier choices.

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The Observatory mission is to observe and monitor the evolution of the food supply in order to generate new knowledge and to act collectively at improving its quality and accessibility. The studies carried out by the Observatoire aim at analyzing food categories and monitoring their evolution over time. The food categories to be studied are selected based on a rigorous approach. Indeed, after consultation with the Observatoire’s knowledge users, the Scientific Committee prioritized the food categories to be addressed according to four main criteria: health impact, nutritional quality variability, household penetration rate and product improvement potential. As a result of this consultation, the salty snack category was selected and analyzed. This report presents the results of this food category’s analysis.

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The data used for this portrait was collected in collaboration with:

Nutritional composition :

Consumer purchases :

The steps to create this portrait are :

Food Quality Observatory

Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) | Université Laval
Pavillon des Services, bureau 1705 | 2440, boulevard Hochelaga  | Québec (Québec) Canada G1V 0A6

© Food Quality Observatory - INAF, Université Laval, 2019-2021